© Sew-Crazy.org 2025
Our Next Meeting
Saturday, March 15th
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
at Bethlehem Lutheran Church
You don't need the luck of the Irish to work on the new
project this month. Donna will be back leading the group in
another interesting and creative project.
For the month of March, Sew Crazy will be working on
several idifferent tems made from animal feed sack bags.
Using a mix of plastic and fiber, we’ll upcycle those bags into
tote bags of all sizes, zipper bags, aprons, nesting boxes and
These finished items will be returned to W. T. Farm, a
nonprofit farm animal rescue located in Greeneville, TN. All
supplies are provided but we do need sewers to bring their
sewing machine and basic sewing tools.
This is a one month project with turn in at our April meeting.
April is final turn in time for the rag quilts . Paulette will be
delivering these soon. If you have finished your baby items
from February's meeting, feel free to turn them in as well.
Our potluck lunch theme: “Irish Spring” -- anything Irish,
green or Springy. Drinks and desserts are welcome too!
Bring a sack lunch if you prefer.
Questions? Contact us at info@sew-crazy.org.
Upcycling Project to Benefit
Greeneville Animal Rescue
Our Next Meeting:
Date: Sat., March 15th
Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
201 E. Watauga Ave.
Johnson City, TN
Lunch Theme: Irish Spring --
something green, springy or
Sewing for Charity Since 2010