© Sew-Crazy.org 2025
Our Next Meeting
Saturday, March 15th
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
at Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Sew Crazy meets every third Saturday at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 201 E. Watauga Ave., Johnson
City, Tennessee.
From Interstate 26 East: Take Exit 22. At the traffic light at the end of the exit ramp, turn right onto
Unaka Ave. (one way road). Get in the left lane and turn at the next road left onto Welbourne Ave. The
parking lot for Bethlehem Lutheran will be immediately on your left. If you pass the driveway entrance and
come to Watauga Ave. {one way road), turn left and turn immediately into the next driveway on your left.
This is also the church parking area.
From Interstate 26 West: Take Exit 22. Proceed through the first traffic light at the end of the exit ramp
to the second traffic llight and Unaka Ave. (one way road). Turn left onto Unaka Ave and proceed to traffic
light and continue straight. Stay in left lane and go one block to Welbourne Ave. Turn left onto Welbourne
and the parking lot for Bethlehem Lutheran will be immediately on your left.
Note: Unaka Ave. and Watauga Ave. are both
one-way streets. Please exercise caution if you
are unfamiliar with this area.
Sewing for Charity Since 2010