© Sew-Crazy.org 2024
Donna shares her secrets on the
elusive “travelling sewing kit.” This
applies to the tools that might be
used most often at a meeting
when the Sew Crazies are sewing.
A kit should have: fabric scissors,
thread scissors, assortment of
hand sewing needles, basic
threads (black, white, tan, red),
seam ripper, tape measure,
sewing gauge, assortment of
needles for your machine, 2-3
bobbins, tweezers, small
screwdrivers (flat and phillips) and
bandaids. A few misc. buttons,
chalk, a dime and nickle (for
buttonhole placement) are also
Mystery Solved: Travelling
Sewing Kit Revealed
Our Next Meeting
Saturday, January 18th
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
at Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Scraps and Squares
Don’t forget Sew Crazy’s ongoing
projects -- the 6x6 squares for
quilts and fabric scraps for the
dog beds.
Sewing for Charity Since 2010
Donations for Sew Crazy
Christmas Goodie Baskets
Delivered to Meals On Wheels
Sew Crazy is currently accepting
limited fabric donations as our
storeroom is near capacity Contact
us regarding donations.
Thank you for all your suuport!
The final 2024 Sew Crazy project was delivered to Elizabethton Senior Center to be
given to their Meals On Wheels clients.
Over 100 Christmas fabric baskets filled with goodies were set to be handed out just
before Christmas.
Elizabethton Senior Center serves the Hampton, Roan Mountain, and City of
Elizabethton communities along with local folks who come to the center for their
The staff were extremely pleased with the gifts and are very excited to begin handing
them out the following week. They could not believe we had sewn them ourselves.