© Sew-Crazy.org 2025
Donna shares her secrets on the elusive “travelling sewing kit.”  This applies to the tools that might be used most often at a meeting when the Sew Crazies are sewing. A kit should have:  fabric scissors, thread scissors, assortment of hand sewing needles, basic threads (black, white, tan, red), seam ripper, tape measure, sewing gauge, assortment of needles for your machine, 2-3 bobbins, tweezers, small screwdrivers (flat and phillips) and bandaids.  A few misc. buttons, chalk, a dime and nickle (for buttonhole placement) are also handy.  
Mystery Solved:  Travelling Sewing Kit Revealed
Our Next Meeting Saturday, March 15th 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Scraps and Squares
Don’t forget Sew Crazy’s ongoing projects -- the 6x6 squares for quilts and fabric scraps for the dog beds.
Sew Crazy
Sewing for Charity Since 2010
Donations for Sew Crazy
Sew Crazy delivers sensory mats to Ridgeview Elementary class
Sew Crazy is currently accepting limited fabric donations as our storeroom is near capacity  Contact us regarding donations. Thank you for all your suuport!
Two members of Sew Crazy of Northeast Tennessee recently returned to the classroom, visiting Ridgeview Elementary School.  They were on a mission to deliver sensory/activity mats to Jennifer Fields’ class, a part of Washington County Schools Early Intervention Program. The class was presented with 24 mats which Sew Crazy sewists designed and machine sewed over 3 months last fall.  The mats were made with bright colors, fabrics of different textures, zippers, Velcro, numbers, letters, small toys, bells and the like.    All were geared to engage the children in problem solving and sensory exploration. Ms. Fields expressed delight in receiving the mats and quickly introduced the mats to the children. The mats were an instant success, generating much excitement as the children each picked one to work with.  As they sat down with their mats, their curiosity peaked, they immediately began to explore the surface.